A Brief Interview with the 2013 World Champion – Jason Klaczynski!

A Brief Interview with the 2013 World Champion – Jason Klaczynski!

Ace Trainer: First of all Jason, congratulations on your 3rd Pokemon world championship! Tell me a little about how you felt in the Top 2 match coming up against Simon Narode’s team Plasma list? Were you nervous while you were onstage, or have you been in that situation enough times now to understand how to keep your cool?

Jason: Being on stage didn’t make me nervous, it’s really exciting because I knew my friends were cheering for me. But then again, maybe it makes me nervous and I don’t even realize it. After all, it wasn’t until I was on stage that I attached two energy in one turn, and none of the judges nor my opponent even noticed it! I was confident in my match against Simon as I was undefeated against Plasma over the entire weekend. I lost only one game of a Best 2-of-3 match, and that was on the first turn, when my lone Mr. Mime was knocked out.

Ace Trainer: I am sure that after being victorious through the Grinder and the World Championships there would not be many (if any) changes you would make to your deck. But, if you had the option is there a card you would have changed after seeing the field?

Jason: I liked my deck list as it was, but I would reconsider my deck choice as a whole. Given that there wasn’t much Gothitelle/Accelgor, I may have preferred to play my Garbodor/Sableye/Darkrai EX deck that I used at U.S. Nationals. Though the deck loses to Gothitelle, it has a much better Blastoise match-up.

Ace Trainer: Now that you have secured a full invite for the 2014 Pokemon World championships, do you plan on taking a break at any stages of the season or will you be powering through all the way to Washington this time next year?

Jason: I will probably skip the smaller tournaments, but I love Pokémon too much to not compete in the larger State and Regional Championships, and of course Nationals!

Ace Trainer: and Finally, we have just received a new set of cards in Pokemon TCG Plasma Blast. Do you have a favorite card from the set or a particular deck you are going to be trying out once we the new set of events starts out?

Jason: My favorite card from Plasma Blast is probably Jirachi EX. Having the ability to turn a Level Ball or Ultra Ball into a game-saving supporter is a great way to ensure you almost always have some options in your hand to work with!


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