Brisbane City Championships 1st Place Report – Trevenant/Accelgor

Brisbane City Championships 1st Place Report – Trevenant/Accelgor

Hey Trainers! I posted this a little earlier today in Brisbane’s Play! Pokemon group and now here is the list I used for Brisbane’s City Championships this past weekend.

4 Phantump XY
3 Trevenant XY
3 Shelmet DEX
3 Accelgor DEX
2 Mew EX DRX
1 Duskull BCR
1 Dusclops BCR
1 Dusknoir BCR
1 Munna BCR
1 Musharna NXD

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Colress
2 Skyla
4 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
2 EvoSoda
4 Float Stone
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Silver Bangle
1 Super Rod
1 Town Map
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Dowsing Machine

2 Tropical Beach

4 Double Colorless Energy


My thanks go to Christian Delloiaco for all of our conversations about the deck for the last few weeks. Bodhi Cutler and Marcus Peck too. I took a risk not playing a Virizion EX counter. I took some time to think about the meta game shifting and it paid off.

I spent a lot of time practising Gothitelle/Accelgor for worlds. I literally spent a week before hand where I tested the deck for hours on stream each day, so I’m quite comfortable with the idea of only doing 50 damage and shuffling it away. There are plenty of small nuances to playing it, but you shouldn’t let them scare you off.

My matchups were:

R1. Thundurus EX/Deoxys EX/Plasma Kyurem – Win
R2. Lugia EX/Thundurus EX/Deoxys EX – Loss (My opponent played Keldeo EX/Genesect EX/Snorlax)
R3. Garbodor/Darkrai EX/Yveltal EX – Win
R4. Lugia EX/Thundurus EX/Deoxys EX – Win
R5. Garbodor/Darkrai EX/Yveltal EX – Win
Top 8. Mega Venusaur/Virizion EX/Carnivine/Sigilyph – Win
Top 4. Blastoise – Win
Finals. Trevenant w/Flareon – Win

Winning with the deck often results in the same story, so I’ll talk about my single loss and a few of my interesting games.

In the round I lost, my opponent’s use of Yeti’s tech options in Keldeo EX and Genesect EX, as well as having access to Snorlax meant that I had to overcome multiple threats which dismantled my setup eventually in the first game – for a few turns I ran out of steam, and that was sufficient enough chance for my opponent to turn the tables. I established a strong lock in game 2, but I ran out of time. When playing against Trevenant always remember: Never Give Up

The game I played against my Top 8 match against was one of the most bizzare games I’ve played. The seriousness of top cut and the seemingly odd deck choice my opponent had me really uneasy. Game 1, I pummelled the Virizion EX with Bangle on Accelgor. Game 2 he didn’t see Virizion EX hit the field all game, but I was trying to keep options ready for its appearance). Otherwise I had to alternate attackers depending on whether he put up Sigilyph or not.

In the top 4 match I played against Blastoise, Silver Bangle is what gave me the edge in the matchup. Being able to threaten a one-hit KO on Keldeo EX, combined with lower energy counts in stage 2 decks due to Professor’s Letter and the ease at which you can re-establish Trevenant throughout the game means that Blastoise has a very difficult time even with the ability to break Paralysis locks with “Rush In”.

We recorded the finals match, so I’ll post that soon. For now, the notes I can make about the mirror are:

1. Many/all of the Pokemon involved tend to create scenarios where you can create Poison KO’s which come back into your turn.
2. Getting a Float Stone onto a Trevenant is super important
3. Remember that you can use your opponent’s Accelgor for Mew EX’s “Versatile” ability.
4. When your opponent has the Item lock, it’s not super important for you to Item lock them back. If you carry a Rainbow Energy in your list, then it may be worth putting your own Trevenant active, but be wary as without Float Stone, your opponent does not have to do anything until you reveal the energy as you cannot retreat.

There are more nuances to the mirror match, but I think it’s best if I wait for the finals footage to commentate.

Well that will just about wrap things up! Thank you very much for reading.

~ Anthony


  1. Marco May 2, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    Hello : I´m Running this deck, and I also Think that the Virbank Gym doesn´t help, there are many player that run Hypnotxic laser so there is no point in use that gym if eventually your opponent will throw into the game and even whitout the Tropical Beaches I can run the lock in the second turn and get to attack in the same or in the third turn.

    Here is my deck list if some one is interested :

    3 Phantump XY
    3 Trevenant XY
    3 Shelmet DEX
    3 Accelgor DEX
    2 Mew EX DRX
    1 Duskull BCR
    1 Dusclops BCR
    1 Dusknoir BCR
    1 Munna BCR
    1 Musharna NXD

    Pokemon = 19

    4 Professor Juniper
    3 Colress
    2 N
    2 Shauna
    2 Skyla

    Supporters = 13

    4 Level Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 EvoSoda
    2 Heavy Ball
    4 Float Stone
    1 Muscle band
    1 Silver Bangle
    2 Tool Scrapper
    2 Super Rod
    1 Town Map
    1 Enhanced Hammer
    1 Dowsing Machine

    Trainers = 24

    4 Double Colorless Energy

    Energy = 4

    I can drop out 1 tool scrapper and 1 super if I have 2 Tropical Beach, maybe I will put another Phantump and drop the Hammer, and after the release of flash fire i will get out 1 Shauna and 1 Heavy ball to put 2 Lisandre

    comments ??

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